Is Angelina Jolie pregnant?

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I’ve been burned on stuff like this before, but I’m passing on this story from sexy reader Charlotte cause she says she’s an entertainment reporter in Cape Town, so I’m guessing she’s pretty hot, and when we have our steamy affair, she’ll insist I’m the best she’s ever had in that super sexy accent. She also included the words “swallow” and “tongue” in the email, and I’ll pretty much do whatever you say if you’re hot and throw around words drenched in sex like that. Here’s the report she says came in on the BANG Showbiz wire from the UK:

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are reportedly expecting a child together. The beautiful actress, who has continually denied her high-profile fling with the handsome star after meeting on the set of ‘Mr. & Mrs. Smith’ last year, is said to be three months pregnant. One source told America’s New York Post journalist Braden Keil over the weekend: “She’s just in her first trimester. Obviously, they’re keeping everything very quiet.”

Meanwhile, Jolie’s spokesperson has failed to return literally hundreds of phone calls and emails by reporters.

Last weekend, Brad was photographed playing ‘Dad’ to Angelina’s adopted son Maddox. The Hollywood heavyweight, whose desire to start a family was one of the reasons his marriage to Jennifer Aniston broke up, was seen in a cornfield near Jolie’s home, teaching the youngster to ride a motorbike. Despite the actress claiming in 2002 she preferred adopting when she and then-husband Billy Bob Thornton adopted her Cambodian son, now 3, friends say she would do anything for Brad. A source told America’s Star magazine: “Angelina is very giving. If she thinks it will make Brad happy she probably won’t hesitate.”

I couldn’t seem to find any conformation on this, and when I ran a search on “BANG Showbiz” I just started to giggle and couldn’t finish, so just treat this as a rumor, unless it’s true, in which case just melt down my gold medal for journalism and send me a check.

Update – as seductive temptress Kristin points out, Fox News has now commented on this same report, as has Page Six.


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