Brad Pitt on Primetime Live

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Me and some of the supermodels watched the Brad Pitt interview on Primetime Live last night – the models wanted to see Brad, I wanted to see the African villagers and call the models fat – but they started to get un-horny when they saw the little kids, so I turned it off and gave them a Winnie the Pooh that giggles when you press his tummy. Luckily I overheard one of the caddies at my country club talking about it, and from what Guillermo said, it seems Pitt spent most of the night talking about Ethiopia, the heartbreaking level of poverty there and what he feels the Unites States government can do about it. Guillermo made some interesting points about oversimplifying complex problems and how government does nothing well or efficiently, charity being no exception. He said that private charities handle things like this more effectively 100 percent of the time, but Pitts heart seems to be in the right place and he deserves a great deal of credit for trading time with uncomfortable personal questions in exchange for shedding some light on Africa’s problems, at least according to the wise and thoughtful Guillermo. I had him fired and deported anyway of course. Maybe I overreacted, or maybe he shouldn’t talk during my backswing, it’s hard to say for sure, but I am gonna miss the guy. We’ve had some good times, Guillermo. I’m gonna miss you, bro.

To learn more about the ONE Campaigns efforts to end poverty in Africa click here.


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