Jennifer Aniston is losing it

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I’m unbelievably foxy. I’m also hilarious and the son of an oil baron, so none of my supermodel girlfriends have ever broken up with me. And that’s why I totally can’t relate to the mental breakdown Jennifer Anniston is having while watching her still-husband Brad Pitt span the globe in a sexy way with Angelina Jolie. director is worried it will inspire boycotts. From something he calls “huge Jennifer Aniston fans”. I wouldn’t really worry about that, cause “huge Jennifer Aniston fans” means they probably watch Friends, which means they just barely don’t need to be lead around on a leash and are mostly guys downloading fake Courtney Cox nudes while sitting on a saddle dressed in a bra and panties or girls too busy dressing up their cat Colonel Mittens to put together any kind of coherent protest.


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