Ashton Kutcher loves Viagra

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From Glamour magazine: Ashton Kutcher has denied rumours he’s hooked on Viagra, but admits he has tried the drug. “I tried it, but I’m not addicted,” he told GLAMOUR magazine. “I don’t have a hard-on now! I haven’t taken it in years. I took it a few times recreationally. It’s illegal [without prescription], but I’ve taken it.”

This really does lend itself to the theory that the problem with most guys who need Viagra isn’t the guy, it’s the girl. I bet you no one has ever needed Viagra with Krista Allen. Funny how Ashton needed dangerous addictive drugs to trick his penis into sex with Brittany Murphy, but suddenly he’s hard enough to cut glass now that he’s with hyper-ripped-out MILF Demi Moore. Maybe if women would use more Pantene and Dexatrim, guys would need less Viagra. Although I must admit most of my high school chemistry classes were spent staring at Kay Donaldson’s ass, so it’s possible I don’t have a complete command of the science involved here.