Star Wars, Episode III

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Hot lesbians have been known to trick me into a lot of things – joining Amway, smuggling pandas, burying that homeless guy in the desert – but I draw the line at watching ‘the OC’. But I will watch tonight to get a look at the world premiere of the Star Wars Episode III trailer. If you can’t wait till tonight, and you think it’s worth having a seizure, you can watch it here now. Despite this bad, obviously bootlegged copy, it still looks pretty damn impressive. Then again, that son of a bitch has fooled me before. And by ‘son of a bitch’, I mean David Blaine. Man that guy is good!

update – Feel free to reminisce by clicking the link above and getting that ‘flip cartoon in the corner of your grade school notebook’ vibe, but there are some really good mirrors up by now, some of the better ones here : in QuickTime, as a Torrent, or if you have AOL, you can go to