She’s a Barbie Girl in a Tomb-Filled World: New Mattel Doll Reveals Square Enix Collaboration

The immortal Mattel doll line, Barbie, has made waves through the toy industry for its progressive dolls over the past few years featuring more realistic body types in the dolls, such as curvy, tall and petite, as well as more diverse iterations, including one adorning a hijab.

While the company has often created dolls based around real celebrities, so rarely has it done so based on film or TV characters, with some exceptions including characters from the Twilight franchise and Raven Baxter from That’s So Raven. Mattel will attempt to reach major audiences again, according to IGN, as it recently revealed a new design persona: Lara Croft, a.k.a Tomb Raider.

(Image source: Mattel)

The doll features the costume and physical design of both the 2013 reboot to the video game series, as well as the upcoming film based on said game starring Alicia Vikander in the titular role. The accessories for the doll include a map, journal and doll stand, as well as the pickaxe that was an important tool/weapon in the game and will reappear in the film.

The film, directed by Roar Uthaug, has received a generally positive pre-buzz from fans of the franchise for its choice to adapt the grittier and more realistic 2013 reboot that earned widespread praise from players and critics. It will still have the unfortunate hurdle of being a videogame adaptation, as the most recent release, Assassin’s Creed, proved to be a huge critical failure and minor financial disappointment, despite the A-list crew behind the making of it.

If Tomb Raider proves to be underwhelming, however, fans can look forward to a third entry in the video game reboot series that is set to release sometime this year.

For the kids, or adults, who find the doll to be a necessary buy, it is available for pre-purchase on for a mere $30.

What do you think of the Lara/Barbie design? Are you excited for the upcoming movie and game?


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