Photo: Fox
Some may think of the television show Family Guy as dumb, animated humor that provides nothing but quirky comedy. While those people are not wrong to think that, Family Guy has also proved itself able to predict the future. We know, it sounds ridiculous. However, this hasn’t just happened once or twice, but SIX times. Family Guy has predicted everything from Robin Williams’s suicide to Bruce Jenner’s sex change. It has people wondering, is Seth MacFarlane some sort of soothsayer, or is this just a massive coincidence? Either way, these crazy predictions will shake you to the core.
So let’s get it going by checking them out below!
While some of these theories are rather far fetched, the links between these incidents and the Family Guy episodes are chilling. Let’s hope the next time Family Guy coincidentally predicts the future, people take it more seriously.
6 Times Family Guy Predicted the Future
1) Bruce Jenner Sex Change
Unless you live under a rock, you know that the former Olympian/Kardashian step-father is now Caitlyn Jenner. While there had been many jokes made by celebrities about Caitlyn Jenner's long hair and very clear plastic surgery, Family Guy came out with their prediction in 2009 when baby Stewie said, "No, Brian, that's what the press would have you believe but he's not. Bruce Jenner is a woman. An elegant, beautiful Dutch woman." Did Family Guy know that Bruce Jenner would have a sex change or was baby Stewie just making a sly joke? The world may never know.
2) Kevin Spacey's Sexual Harassment Allegations
While sexual harassment is nothing to be joked about, Family Guy made what they thought was an innocent joke in one of their episodes in 2005, in a scene where baby Stewie is running through the mall, naked, screaming, "Help! I've just escaped from Kevin Spacey's basement!" While this scene was most likely a result of the Family Guy writers poking fun at the fact that Kevin Spacey is gay, in 2017 several men came forward accusing Kevin Spacey of sexually harassing them. While this scene was most likely not intended to be harmful, it is shocking, and disturbing, that this scene turned out to be true.
3) The Boston Marathon Bombings
In a Family Guy episode that aired in 2013, Peter converts to Islam and accidentally joins a terrorist sleeper cell of Muslims. He makes a phone call during that episode that causes two separate bombs to go off. During that episode, Peter also wins the Boston Marathon with his car after killing several runners. One month after this episode occurred, the Boston Marathon bombings took place. While this was most likely just another one of Family Guy's weird coincidences, they took the episode down from all streaming sites, and will not be playing the episode in any future re-runs.
4) Robin Williams' Suicide
In an episode from 2012, there's a curse put on Peter that makes everything he touches turn into Robin Williams. It becomes so crazed that eventually Peter attempts to commit suicide. News broke in 2014 that beloved actor, Robin Williams, had committed suicide. While this is somewhat of a loose link, it's a strange coincidence that Family Guy created an episode that features both suicide and Robin Williams.
5) Dick Cheney's Hunting Accident and Antonin Scalia's Death
While this link is another long shot, it's incredibly strange how Family Guy links the incidents. In 2006, Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot his friend, Harry Whittington, while they were hunting quails. Family Guy referenced the shooting in an episode in 2007. In the episode, it was said that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was fatally shot by Dick Cheney in a hunting accident while quail hunting. In 2016, Antonin Scalia died of natural causes. In the afternoon prior to his death, he was quail hunting. Quite a long stretch, but the similarities are there.
6) Paul Walker Dying in a Car Crash
During an episode in 2013, the writers killed of family dog Brian Griffin after he was brutally run over. One week after the episode aired, Paul Walker was fatally killed in a car crash. The correlation is that Paul Walker's character in the Fast and Furious film franchise was named Brian, as well. A stretch? Cetainly. Still creepy? Absolutely.