People Try To Guess Which Of These Strangers Are Virgins (NSFW)

Photo: Universal Pictures

A little while ago we shared a video with you all that showed a bunch of bartenders trying to figure out if people were old enough to drink simply by looking at tham, and they obviously failed. But now Cut, the folks behind that video, have another stereotype-challenge video for us all and this time it’s all about sex.

The folks at Cut invited eight strangers, four of which are virgins, and then they invited four other people whose job was to guess which of the eight are virgins.

And how did these guessers try to figure it out? Well let’s just say that one of the questions they asked the strangers is, “do you like big penises?” They also make some of the strangers talk dirty, which is as awkward as it sounds.

Check out the video below.

Well it’s obvious that the whole point of this video is to remind everyone that you can’t judge a book by its cover because chances are that book is super horny as hell and probably has a bunch of handcuffs in their bedroom. Probably.

h/t Huffington Post

This is appropriate: 10 Songs of Sex To Which You Likely Lost Your Virginity


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