Car Wash Employee Gets Spun Around By Huge Brush

Photo: ischlueter (Getty)

Something tells me this dude had a tougher day at work than you did.

Plenty of kids are scared to go through a car wash and that’s mainly because to a child all these things look like something straight out of Stranger Things. But of course they are just devices made to clean your car. I repeat, made to clean your car, not a human.

And I make that clear because some poor car wash employee got a tad too close to a giant brush and got taken on the ride of his life. Let’s just say that this dude probably needed the rest of the day off after this incident.

Take a look at the footage below taken at the unknown car wash.

Car Wash Employee Gets Spun Around By Huge Brush

Wow, that guy’s boots actually fly off during this “ride.” Thankfully, this unlucky employee was not hurt, although he probably had to change jobs because his co-workers had the time of their life laughing at him.

Remember this doozy? This Is Why You Should Close All Windows When Going Through A Car Wash (NSFW Language)


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