With Labor Day just around the corner, we’re running out time for weddings, beach days and frisbee with man’s best friend. Lucky for us, we now have this amazing frisbee dog below to watch year ’round.
Who doesn’t love the slo-mo feature on our smart phones? You know it’s specifically for moments just like the one above. It’s for our animals. It’s for capturing the moment of near, absolute glory when our four-legged buddy comes so close to grabbing that frisbee with all his might…
But while he failed at frisbee, he did take flight by God. That dog has wings of furry gold.
And isn’t this moment a metaphor for life in general?
Please, please, let this spread to the masses. This spectacular dog needs to be the next great meme of 2017.

Josh Helmuth is the editor of Crave Sports.