Screenshot: Facebook/Daniel Modøl
Hey, remember that lady in Nevada who was almost killed while filming lightning? Yep, the same can be said for a dude in Norway who thought it would be a brilliant idea to stand in his backyard during a thunderstorm in order to film the lightning. It wasn’t such a brilliant idea.
Daniel Modøl is seen pointing his camera towards the sky when out of nowhere a lightning bolt comes crashing down just five yards away from him, sending debris flying everywhere and probably making Modøl crap his pants.
Look How Close This Dude Came To Being Struck By Lightning

The 38-year-old filmed all this from his home in Gjerstad, and is clearly stunned when a bolt almost hits him as he says “OK, maybe we should go inside” to the person near him.
Take a look at the crazy video below.
So if there is a lesson to be learned here it’s that it’s probably best to stay indoors when there is lightning outside. You know, just in case one of those bolts hits you which there is a bigger chance of than you winning the lottery.
h/t Daily Mail