What Day Is Valentine’s Day?

Photo: Peter Dazeley (Getty Images)

How much do you know about one of the most popular holidays in the world – Valentine’s Day? Although you might not need it, here is a little bit of its history, so that you can impress your friends or, more importantly, your Valentine. You probably already know the answer to the question – what day is Valentine’s Day? It’s February 14. But how much do you know about the holiday’s conception or the Valentine himself? Well, there are various accounts on the origin of the name online, so here are just a couple of them.

A Priest

According to one of the legends, the famous Valentine was actually a priest who lived in the third century in the Roman Empire. It is said that, at one point, the Emperor Claudius II went a bit mad and decided to ban young people from marrying. Why would he do such a thing? He was absolutely convinced that the unmarried men were actually much better soldiers. The wives were apparently way too distracting. However, one priest by the name of Valentine thought that the ban was ludicrous, so he continued to marry young people in spite of his orders. Of course, he was arrested and put to death for it, however, he became a martyr and a protector of young lovers.

A Prisoner

Another story says that Valentine was something of a heroic figure who helped countless people escape harsh Roman prisons. It is said that Roman prisons were extremely brutal and unforgiving. People would often be tortured under the orders of the Emperor even before any official trial. Valentine helped a lot of them escape and, as a result, became a prisoner himself awaiting imminent death. However, it is in this prison that Valentine did something he would be remembered for in the years to come. Apparently, he was in love with the daughter of his jailor, so he wrote her a love letter and signed it “Your Valentine.” This signature is now a part of the famous tradition honoring his name and legend.

The Holiday’s Beginnings

The holiday first started as a Feast of St Valentine and was introduced by the Pope Gelasius I. According to the Pope, Valentine is just one among the many martyrs who gave their lives to protect the faith and human dignity. However, it wasn’t until the 18th century that the date actually became more commercial and popular among people. It was a time of flamboyance when the rich people would go out of their way to lavish their lovers with gifts and carefully composed romantic poems. This is where the tradition of giving gifts on Valentine’s Day started. In 1913, a Hallmark company actually started mass-producing Valentine cards and yet another tradition was born.

Valentine’s Day Cards

Today, you can just choose one of the millions of pre-printed Valentine cards and be sure that your love interest will appreciate the gesture. However, if you truly want to impress your loved one, you need to take some time and write something yourself, from the heart. Sounds difficult? It really isn’t. You just need to know how to approach the subject. So, how should you go about it? Obviously, the most important thing is to make it genuine. Your Valentine will notice if you’re overdoing something or being dishonest with her. Tell her whatever is in your heart, but make sure not to overdo it. You don’t want her to feel encumbered or overwhelmed with your advances. Be short and sweet and leave room for any future ventures. Remember, short and from the heart.

Now that you know what day is Valentine’s Day, you can plan ahead and surprise that special someone.


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