Anthem and Mass Effect Designer Corey Gaspur Dies

Anthem‘s lead designer Corey Gaspur has passed away, with BioWare paying tribute to a veteran of the industry who had worked alongside them on some of their most popular series.

BioWare published a blog post last night that confirmed Gaspur’s passing, calling him a “talented designer and an even better person.” The company didn’t elaborate upon the circumstances surrounding Gaspur’s death, instead offering a brief message that saw them extending their condolences to the game designer’s family and friends.

BioWare’s statement is as follows:

“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our friend and colleague Corey Gaspur.

He was a member of our team for over nine years, and worked as a designer on many of our titles, including Sonic Chronicles, Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2 and 3, and most recently Anthem.

Corey was a talented designer and an even better person. We offer our condolences to Corey’s family and everyone that knew him.

We will miss you.”

Corey Gaspur was in the process of working on Anthem, BioWare’s upcoming action RPG.

Gaspur first worked with BioWare on the Nintendo DS title Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood as a gameplay / level designer, a job title he would carry over to other BioWare properties such as Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2 and Overlord. He was also the lead combat designer for Mass Effect 3 and its subsequent DLC, while also working as a part-time game design instructor for the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

He later became the lead gameplay designer for Anthem, BioWare’s upcoming open-world action RPG, which is still in development and scheduled for release in fall 2018. Gaspur had also worked as a consultant on many of EA’s popular releases, including Star Wars Battlefront, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst and Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Featured Image Credit: BioWare