Photo: The J.A. Latsch Canoe, $3,825, by Sanborn Canoe Co.
Being one with the great outdoors takes effort, as well as a small investment into the best modern-day camping products available. Certain staples you probably already have on lock down, like a good tent and some sleeping bags. While you may have shelter accounted for, we have found some of the best, new gear that you don’t need in order to get by, but we promise they will make your outdoor experience far more enjoyable.
Find your way without your cell phone: we are fond fans of field guides made by Wildsam. These books not only point out the best scenery and historic landmarks, and you will look so much better flipping through this book in those staged but necessary Insta-snaps. Meanwhile, while we know you’re headed out to embrace nature, but its the weekend and a cold brew or two is warranted. The Porter Cooler by Barebones Living holds an unbelievable 96 cans of your favorite hops-based beverage or cola.
Also: Man Of The Grill | Outdoor Cooking Necessities
If you are up to embrace coal-digging-style, we highly recommend getting a head lamp, and thankfully Third Eye Headlamps offers some that are as practical and cool as they come. Not willing to leash a flashlight to your dome? Pick up a totally understated brass handheld version by Best Made Co. You will use it while embarking to parts unknown, and back home it will look good up on the mantle.
At the core of our adventures, for most of us, we see a key objective in getting away as relaxing and unplugging (even if relaxing means taking a quick cat nap after a 20 mile hike.) Taking in the surroundings and appreciating nature is what it’s all about even if we put ourselves through hell first. For that reason, a couple of camp-friendly accessories are key: like a high quality hammock to rest our tired eyes and bodies, and the most beautiful canoe we’ve ever seen to rest our tired feet.
Check out more of the best camping products below, and remember: whether you’re headed out this weekend, the next, or every weekend between now and winter, never forget to bring some camp-friendly accessories and funtime friends.
9 Camping Products to Elevate Your Outdoorsmanship:
Man of the Woods | 9 Ways to Elevate Your Outdoorsmanship
Being one with the great outdoors just takes a little effort and a small investment into the best modern-day products available.
The Porter Cooler by Barebones Living
Never go thirsty by bringing the Porter Cooler by Barebones Living, $200, that holds a whopping 96 12-ounce brews.
Photo: Barebones Living
Field Guide by Wildsam
Being all digital is so overrated. Get the inside scoop on the best scenic views in the Desert Southwest (or New England) in a proper Field Guide, $18, by Wildsam.
Photo: Wildsam Twitter
J.A. Latsch Canoe by Sanborn
The J.A. Latsch Canoe by Sanborn, $3,825, is constructed with carbon-fiber, Kevlar and fiberglass, and looks as good on the car, as it does on the lake.
Photo: Sanborn Canoe Co.
Campfire by Solo Stove
The Campfire by Solo Stove, $149.99, accommodates cooking for 4 people, in this low smoke, stainless steel cooker.
Photo: Solo Stove
Coulee 40 by Mystery Ranch
The Coulee 40 by Mystery Ranch, $229, is broad shouldered (for comfort), made with 420D nylon fabric (for strength) and 3-zip design (for fast & easy access.)
Photo: Mystery Ranch
TE14 Floral Headlamp by Third Eye Headlamps
Bright when you need it, dimmed down when you don't, the TE14 Floral Headlamp by Third Eye Headlamps, $49.99, keeps you lit.
Photo: Third Eye Headlamps
Roo Camping Hammock by Kammok
You can pitch a tent nearly anywhere, and with the Roo, $128 with straps by Kammock, you can pitch a hammock nearly anywhere.
Photo: Kammock & @daniel.topete
Brass Flashlight by Best Made Co.
Shine bright like a diamond for 35 days. Sound unbelievable? It's not if you're using the Brass Flashlight, MMR-X, $164, by Best Made Co.
Photo: Best Made Co.
Luminoodle Color Plus by Power Practical
Light it up.. with the Luminoodle Color Plus by Power Practical, $34.99.
Photo: Power Practical