Brawl Breaks Out At High School Graduation Because Welcome To Adulthood

Photo: Facebook

Graduations: a time for family and friends to get together and celebrate students and their accomplishment of reaching quite the goal. Oh, and a time for brawls in the audience, too. At least that is what occurred at an Arlington High School’s graduation.

This incident was of course caught on video, and shows a brawl break out in the audience, all while students make their down the aisle at sanctuary at Bellevue Baptist Church in Tennessee. In the video you can clearly see two women go at it, as a woman in a brown dress hits a man, and then shoves a young lady.

Check out the video below thanks to Facebook, which not only shows the fight and an aerial view of the scene, but also the woman in the brown dress in handcuffs.

Brawl Breaks Out At High School Graduation Because Welcome To Adulthood

And guess what? It seems all of this started over a request to switch seats. Nice job, everyone. It’s not like kids are graduating high school or anything.

As you can tell in the video above, the crazy lady in the brown dress was handcuffed, while another lady was escorted out. I’m going to assume that lady in the brown had a drink or 12 before joining the festivities.

No charges have been handed out yet, but at least some student now has video of his or her very memorable graduation.

Via Fox13 Memphis

More class: It’s Nothing But Suburban Trash In This Wild Brawl Featuring Everything From A Bat To A Pissed Off Mom


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