This Is The Horror Movie That Occurs When You Leave A Toddler Alone In The Kitchen

Photo: YouTube

No one should leave me alone in the kitchen because everything in the fridge will be gone, but why in the world would you leave a toddler in the kitchen alone? For two minutes. With a fridge filled with eggs. You’re just asking for trouble, and that’s exactly what occurred in the video below.

While we already know what happens when you leave kids alone with markers, we need to check out what happens when you leave a toddler alone in the kitchen. The mother in the video below left her son, Bear (yes, his name is Bear) alone in a kitchen for two minutes.

Guess what happened. This is what happened.

This Is The Horror Movie That Occurs When You Leave A Toddler Alone In The Kitchen

“Oh, I’m going to cry, and laugh, and scream and…”

Well, at least she grabbed the camera instead of stopping the kid from making an even bigger mess. If that was possible. And hell, now she has a viral video. And this is what every parent should aim for.

Although I think this is the kid’s revenge for being named Bear. Who the hell names their kid Bear? Someone who deserves to have raw eggs thrown on the kitchen floor, that’s who.

h/t Someecards

More chaos: This Is The Catastrophe That Occurs When You Leave Toddlers Alone For Seven Minutes