Chris Evans Pranked Fans By Trapping Them Inside A Surprise Escape Room

Photo: YouTube

When Captain America, one of the most all-American pop culture figures ever, asks for your help, you help him. No questions asked.

Escape rooms have been hugely popular ever since finding their way into society, as people of all ages can enjoy them. Although, you usually know when you’re inside an escape room. Usually. I say this because Captain American himself Chris Evans teamed up with Omaze to prank a bunch of unsuspecting fans into participating in an escape room mission.

It all started inside what seemed like a regular old comic book shop. Take a look at the great video below.

Chris Evans Decided To Prank Fans By Trapping Them Inside A Surprise Escape Room

Omaze is all about these fun missions, as they have also done one before with Matt Damon. More importantly, they help others and give to charity. That’s why this video also made sure to mention that you can enter a raffle to hang with Evans, and every entry of $10 or more benefits Christopher’s Haven, “a nonprofit that provides supportive housing for families whose children are receiving outpatient pediatric cancer treatments in Boston, MA.”

So obviously, that’s a good thing. You can enter here.

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