Probably The Greatest Game Of Rock-Paper-Scissors You Will Ever See

Odds are if I asked you to name the current “Janken Queen,” you would rattle off a list of porn starlets until you’re blue in the face. But sadly, you would be mistaken.

Hell, you wouldn’t even be close, and that’s because the current “Janken Queen” is this young lady in the video below who won what is probably the greatest game of Rock-Paper-Scissors you will ever see:

Sure, the game was simply a one-and-done rock beats scissors matchup, but when you throw in the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire buildup before the match, the suspense from the referee and the final clips of all of those Asian girls crying and covering their faces like New Kids on the Block just kicked off their reunion tour in Tokyo, I mean, let’s just say you would be hard pressed to find a more thrilling game than that.

In a related story, I’d love to hire whoever announced the final 40 seconds of that video as an adult video commentator who just describes what he’s watching and then sell it a la books on tape. Something tells me truckers and college kids would be all over that.

h/t Barstool Sports

She threw a rock at the police and got away with it: Girl Escapes Underage Drinking Ticket By Beating Cop At Rock-Paper-Scissors 


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