MMA Fighter Wins Fight, Pukes His Guts Out During Post-Fight Interview

Dude, you won the fight.

If you thought this horrible looking cut this MMA fighter sustained during a fight was gross, your stomach is going to have a tough time handling this clip of an MMA fighter puking all that was in him.

MMA fighter Paddy “The Baddy” Pimblett (man, what a nickname) had a fight this past weekend against Julian Erosa at Cage Warriors, as Pimblett was the featherweight champion. And don’t you worry, “The Baddy” beat Erosa. But no one cares about that because everyone is talking about what he did during the post-fight interview.

Heads up, it’s gross as hell:

MMA Fighter Wins Fight, Pukes His Guts Out During Post-Fight Interview

Here’s another angle:

The hell, dude? According to Pimblett it wasn’t blood, but hot chocolate and Ferraro Rocher

OK, thanks for that, man. No really, thanks. I think it was a hell of a lot less gross when I thought it was actually blood.

h/t Bro Bible

This should make you feel better: MMA Fighter Mackenzie Dern Might Blow Up Bigger Than Rhonda Rousey


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