Photo: Darren McCollester (Getty).
So, how about this election? No matter what side you stand on, there are hilarious ways to lampoon each candidate. These tees are perhaps the funniest election shirts out there. Before you cast your vote, consider purchasing one. You might get your ass kicked, but at least you’ll have the last laugh.
Over The Top Presidential Election Shirts 2016:
OK, now that you’ve seen them all, which one are you going to walk into work wearing on November 8th? None? Good call! Save it for the voting booths. That’s a much safer plan.
Also: Mysterious Donald Trump Zoltar Machine Distributes ‘Misfortunes’ In New York
Over The Top Presidential Election Shirts 2016
Hillary Clinton Pinocchio
This shirt comes in 11 colors. But you might be asking yourself, "At this point, what difference does it make?" You're right. This shirt is hilarious—color doesn't matter. From blaming Benghazi on an obscure YouTube video to rigging the primaries, watch her nose grow.
via 6DollarShirts
I Just Felt Like Running
At times it feels like Donald just woke up one morning and had a Forrest Gump-like epiphany. And just like Gump, he's been running around the country with more than just a few folks following him.
via Skreened
Hillary Wipes It Clean
With BleachBit or a good old-fashioned hammer.
via Cafe Press
She Wants the D
Marco Rubio said Trump had little hands. Trump responded with, "Let me assure you, there is no problem, believe me." It's the first time in presidential campaign history a Republican presidential nominee alluded to the size of his penis.
via Brave New Look
Laws Are For Little People
Cafe Press has quite the inventory of brutal Hillary tees. More on that later.
via Cafe Press
Fuck Trump
If you're not into subtlety, here's a shirt that'll tickle your fancy. This one comes from Jet, a Walmart company.
via Jet
Epic MAGA Shirt
On the flip side, there's this. A graphic tee of Trump standing on a tank with an eagle shooting a bazooka. There's also fireworks and a giant explosion in the background. Shipping is free.
via eBay
Just Say No
I don't even know what to say.
Make America Great Again
This shirt just hurts to look at. Trump appears to have some sort of loudspeaker stuffed deep into his rectum. Out of it, he toots the slogan we've all become familiar with. The artwork is top notch to be clear, and the tee is crafted from a cotton blend which gives it a vintage heathered look.
via Etsy
Easy as ABC
Sure, the graphic design leaves a lot to be desired. But this acronym is sorely underused. Available only in XL.
via Lori Ferber
The Trumpinator
Likening Trump to The Terminator is actually quite apt, especially if you hate him. To take a quote from Kyle Reese, "The Trumpinator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"
via Look Human
The Hillary Meal Deal
The Hillary Meal Deal: 2 small thighs, 2 small breasts, and a bunch of left wings. To be fair, her thighs aren't small.
via Cafe Press
Too Much Carotene
It's true that Trump has the face of an orange. Not sure whether it's a makeup malfunction or an excess of carrot consumption. He'd be the first to tell you Orange Lives Matter, though. Which they do. Let's not be bigots here.
via Zazzle
I Did Not Have Textual Relations
Quick history refresher course: Bill Clinton received a blow job in the Oval Office from a 21-year-old intern named Monica Lewinsky. Clinton lied about it, stating, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." When they found Bill's semen on her dress, he was impeached.
via Zazzle
There's a conspiracy theory out there suggesting our global elites are actually lizard people from outer space sent here to imprison human people in a one-world communist system that seeks to benefit the lizard people and the lizard people only.
via Zazzle
Who Took a Drumpf?
A Drumpf does sound like something that could colloquially denote a poop. Maybe it will someday. This shirt is available in blue/black and in size small.
It Starts with a C
Get your mind out of the gutter.
via Cafe Press
Here's Donald
In the epic 80's film "The Shining," a maniac goes postal and tries to kill his family. In 2016 America, a madman is going politically postal and attempting to kill his opponents, verbally. There are parallels.