I can’t say I’m a fan of MMA (unless we are talking about Mackenzie Dern) and that’s mainly because I’m not a huge fan of two dudes just beating the hell out of each other while a crowd cheers. I also wouldn’t last very long in the ring, as there is a big possibility I would be killed. But other than that, I’m not a fan of seeing gross things like what this poor dude went through.
At UFC Fight Night 95, Francisco Trinaldo earned a TKO victory over Paul Felder, and that’s due to the fight being called after Trinaldo landed a huge elbow that caused some serious damage above Felder’s eye. Not like “I can treat this with a hilarious cartoon bandaid,” but like a “holy hell, I can see my insides,” kind of damage.
And since we are all sick humans, we of course want to see the aftermath of this fight. And thanks to Dana White, we can. Take a look at what Dana shared on his Instagram, but heads up: This is super gross.
Is This The Grossest Cut Ever Sustained In MMA?

Here’s a closer look for you all:

(Pictures via Instagram)
But don’t worry, Felder is now all patched up. Take a look at what he posted on his Instagram:

(Picture via Instagram)
And now that time I fell off my bike and scratched my knee doesn’t seem so bad.
h/t Bro Bible