In the wake of Titans Hunt, most of the classic members of the Teen Titans were reunited with their memories intact. And after the events of DC Rebirth # 1, Wally West a.k.a. the original Kid Flash has returned from his exile to rejoin Nightwing, Donna Troy, Aqualad, Arsenal, and the rest of the team. But don’t celebrate just yet. Because Wally’s existence isn’t secure!
The mad magician from the future known as Kadabra has resurfaced in the present and he claims to be responsible for Wally’s erasure from time and space…and he wants to finish the job now. Kadabra has already sent his duplicate Titans against the team, but now it looks like one of their own has already fallen in battle. In CraveOnline’s exclusive preview for Titans # 3, Wally finally comes face-to-face with his nemesis, but Kadabra may just be getting started. This battle has barely begun, and the team is already on the verge of losing another loved one for good…

For this issue, writer Dan Abnett and artist Brett Booth are joined by inker Norm Rapmund and colorist Andrew Dalhouse. Here’s DC’s solicitation text for the issue.
“’The Return of Wally West’ part 3. The Titans receive word that Karen Beecher-Duncan—a.k.a. Bumblebee—has been kidnapped! Is there a connection between a shadowy new foe and the intergalactic demon that stole their memories?”
Titans # 3 will be released on Wednesday, September 28.
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