It’s pumpkin spice latte season, and everyone and their mother is posting mouthwatering images of whipped-cream-laden shakes and hash tagging the stereotypical #PSL. Yes, pumpkin spice lattes are delicious, but the also run at over 400 calories and 50 grams of sugar for a grande size. For men, that’s 1/3 of your daily maximum sugar intake. For women, it’s ½. That being said, it’s high time we find another way to deal with those pumpkin spice cravings. Lucky for you, we have you covered with a pumpkin spice drink that actually lets you lose weight, as well detoxify your liver and clear your skin! Get ready for your life to change.

Photo by tales of kitchen
The Ingredients.
- 1 cup of almond milk
- 1 large frozen banana, chopped
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional)
- 1-2 small dates, pitted and chopped
- 1 teaspoon of hemp seeds
- 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
- ½ teaspoon of cinnamon
- ¼ teaspoon of ginger powder
- ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves
- ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg
- dash of vanilla extract
- dash of sea salt
The Process.
Combine the cinnamon, ginger powder, cloves and nutmeg into a small bowl. This is your “pumpkin spice.” Stir well. In your blender, combine the almond milk, banana, dates, hemp seeds, chia seeds, vanilla and protein powder. Add about ½ of the cinnamon powder mixture to the smoothie. Blend until smooth. If you want more pumpkin flavor, add the rest of the cinnamon mixture. Finish it off with a dash of sea salt.

Photo by Wikipedia
The Super Foods.
Our superfoods this week come from our homemade pumpkin spice blend. Cinnamon, the predominate flavor, has tons of medicinal properties that keep the body healthy and strong and is known to help lower cholesterol, promote circulation and manage blood sugar levels. Ginger and nutmeg are great for digestion, and are also known anti-inflammatories, which means they’re perfect for revamping the body after a long weekend. As a bonus, science is exploring ginger as a means to cancer prevention, which gives you even more of a reason to enjoy this smoothie throughout the year!

The Logic.
This shake is full of delicious, energy-lifting superfoods – like cinnamon and nutmeg, and also healthy, plant-based protein with hemp and chia seeds. By combining the health benefits of our pumpkin spice blend with natural protein (or a scoop of your favorite protein powder!), you’re maximizing the benefits by giving your body what it wants and what it needs. So often during fall, I hear people say they’re having a rich latte in lieu of breakfast or lunch, without taking into consideration that consuming carbs without protein is not going to sate your hunger, nor will it provide the nutrients you need to stay healthy through your busy day. This pumpkin spice drink lets you get your fix while also giving your body protein and vitamins is guaranteed to make you feel full longer, keep you alert and awake and curb sugar cravings throughout the day.