No one likes getting a traffic ticket, especially when you think you didn’t deserve one at all. And while the majority of us will just pay it and avoid any more headaches, one man thought he would make a point by paying it…in pennies.

Brett Sanders was pulled over in October and fined $212 for driving nine miles per hour over the speed limit in Frisco. “I didn’t hurt anybody,” Sanders tells BuzzFeed News. “I didn’t endanger anybody. My speed was safe for the conditions around me. I didn’t feel like I owed anybody anything.” And even with all that explanation, Sanders still lost in a jury trial.
So Sanders of course did the next logical thing and paid his ticket in pennies. Check out the video of him gathering the pennies and personally delivering them below:
The speeding fine was $79.90, but the court fees brought it up to a total $212. And Sanders didn’t break any laws, as courts accept legal tender.
As for the reaction Sanders is getting? The majority of people have pretty much bashed him for throwing a tantrum and taking it out on an old lady who had nothing to do with his ticket.
Nice job, dude.
It’s more common than you think: College Student Pays For Parking Ticket Using 11,000 Pennies