Let’s be honest: Frisco RoughRiders manager Joe Mikulik loses his shit and gets ejected from a minor league baseball game almost as often as Donald Trump says something racist. Still, every time he does, you just have to sit back, crack open a beer and watch Mikulik get his money’s worth.
This time around, Mikulik was miffed that the umpires overturned a safe call at first base because they deemed the runner who slid into second intentionally threw his hands in the air in an effort to deflect the ball and break up the double play. He needed roughly two minutes to throw his helmet, slide into second base (twice), take the base out of the ground, punt it several feet and wipe away part of the third base line, all while dropping enough F-bombs to make Joe Pesci look like Mother Theresa.
Mikulik’s performance was so damn beautiful this time around, even the fans applauded him, and they were rooting for the other team.
Punches definitely make baseball more watchable: The Best Punches To The Face In Baseball History