Poor Girl Freaks The Hell Out While Playing A Virtual Reality Zombie Game

Have you ever seen a 12-year-old kid lose his shit as he is being chased by a bee? Do you remember hearing your mom scream the first time a gang of bikers flew past your parked car on the 405? Or have you ever seen a video of a nun who thought she was walking into a church, but it turned out to be a strip club instead?

Well, this is pretty much the same thing, except it’s a poor girl whose friend thought it would be a good idea for her to give a virtual reality zombie game a try.

It was not. Check out the video below thanks to that friend’s Twitter:

So, yeah. On the day the zombie apocalypse finally arrives, you can expect this girl to be at the front of the line. Not the one that is getting ready to send the zombies back where they came from but rather the one that is getting ready to jump out the window.

h/t Barstool Sports

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