Counter-Protesters Brawl With KKK Members At Anaheim Rally (Graphic Footage)

Counter-protesters fed up with the bullshit that KKK members were protesting at a rally in Anaheim this past weekend decided to take things into their own hands, as they started a brawl that ended up with three counter-protesters being stabbed, and a bunch of people being arrested.

KKK idiots were protesting “White Lives Matter” when counter-protesters started a brawl with them, in hopes of knocking some sense into them. Unfortunately, three counter-protesters were stabbed, two with a shiv and one with a flagpole. Yep, a flag pole. Check out footage of the brawl below, but heads up: this is quite graphic and bloody:

Twelve people in total were arrested: seven protesters and five members of the hate group. Although the five KKK members were let go after footage showed they were acting in self-defense. Barf. All of the counter-protesters are looking to sue for alleged police brutality, as one protester had his arm broken.

The counter-protester at the start of the footage with long hair and the leather vest was the most seriously injured, and is currently recovering. There has been a GoFundMe page set up to cover his medical bills.

h/r Metal Injection

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