Chris ‘Mad Dog’ Russo Loses His Mind When Callers Can’t Answer His Trivia Question

Look, there’s a reason why they call him “Mad Dog” Russo, and you have to think that if we had video of him losing his shit here, there would be more slobber and drool flying around the studio and hanging from the microphone than if Hooch was sitting behind it shaking his head back and forth for three minutes.

On his SiriusXM Mad Dog Sports Radio show, Russo often comes up with trivia questions for his listeners to call in and answer. But he came up with one this morning about the final offensive lineman for the Green Bay Packers to be introduced in Super Bowl I where the correct answer should have been “Who gives a shit?”

Well, here’s how that played out:

It might have been a dumb question, but you really had to feel for Russo when he went through all of the guys who it wasn’t, and caller after caller kept guessing the guys he just named.

And huge props to the last guy from New Haven who knew the answer but still played dumb just so Russo would keep pulling out his hair. I mean, Tony Mandarich was priceless.

h/t BroBible

If Russo is the Keymaster, then here is the Gatekeeper: Hawaii Mother Loses her Mind During Epic Bout Of Road Rage