Here Is Mark Cuban Blowing Kisses To Steve Ballmer On The Kiss Cam

Outside of being billionaire owners of NBA franchises, Clippers owner Steve Ballmer and Mavericks owner Mark Cuban really have nothing in common.

Cuban looks like he works out on a daily basis and has a thick stock of black hair on top of his dome while Ballmer looks like the Mr. Clean guy let himself go once he qualified for AARP. Cuban owns a television network and starred in “Sharknado 3” while Ballmer, well, he did not.

But Ballmer does have DeAndre Jordan, and that has chapped Cuban’s ass something fierce since this summer when Jordan verbally committed to join the Mavericks before backing out at the last second to return to Los Angeles. And as a result, you could say that a mini-feud or rivalry was created between the two owners.

Well, both Cuban and Ballmer were at the Staples Center Thursday night as Los Angeles hosted Dallas. Without Jordan at center, the Mavericks looked awful, and the Clippers laid a 16-point beatdown on them.

Because of that, we would have expected Cuban to be in a worse mood than my grandfather when he gets the runs, but that apparently wasn’t the case when both he and Ballmer appeared together on the Kiss Cam:

Stay creepy, Steve Ballmer.

h/t BroBible

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