Weird News: Watch How Cool This Guy Is After Finding Some Drunk Dude Sleeping In His Bed

Usually when we post stories of guys or girls entering the wrong house, they end with the intruder masturbating and getting shot by the home owner.

This story is pretty much the exact opposite of that.

According to Hello U, a man returned home over the weekend and found a drunk stranger sleeping in his bed. But instead of beating the everliving snot out of him, he remained calm while trying to convince him that he was not only in the wrong bed but also the wrong house.

At one point, the drunk dude tried to say that it was ok because the homeowner knew his brother.

“What’s your brother’s name?” the homeowner asked.

We’re guessing that the drunk kid responded with “Koy Amay” or something close to it, as we had never heard that name before. And neither had the homeowner, who responded with, “I’ve never heard that name before in my entire life.”

“That’s all right,” the drunk dude responded.

Despite a couple of choice NSFW words and an incoherent rant about paying taxes for the bed, the homeowner somehow managed to remain calm and eventually convinced the dude that he was indeed in the wrong house.

The kicker? You guessed it: The drunk bro used to live in the house.

“Do you live in this house now, though?” the home owner asked.

“Oh, man. This is so weird,” the drunk kid responded.

And we’re pretty sure that’s drunk talk for, “I do not, and please don’t kick my ass.”

Hey, at least he wasn’t naked: Australian Couple Wakes Up To Find Naked Stranger In Their Bed