Obnoxiously Drunk UConn Student Gets Ass Kicked In Cafeteria After Being Refused Mac n’ Cheese

Sometimes a person’s love for mac and cheese is so strong, it overtakes everything.

Case in point: A 19-year-old University of Connecticut student strolled into the Union Street Market completely trashed. When he was refused service by a manager who accuses him of bringing an open container of beer inside the cafeteria, shit gets real. Real entitled.

The drunk kid keeps repeating that all he wants is bacon jalapeño mac and cheese, and when he doesn’t get it he verbally bashes the manager, and even puts his hands on him. Everyone this totally wasted teen is assaulting does their best to keep their calm. Until one chef finally has enough and takes him down and holds him down until the cops show up. It’s all in this amazing nine-minute video below:

“Stay down! Stay down! I told you! You don’t touch my boss!” is probably the best line ever. That guy is probably getting a promotion.

You have to give it up for that manager who kept his cool for the most part even though he was being insulted by a teenager wearing socks and sandals. That alone is enough reason to hit someone.

Via The Concourse

Could have gone much worse for the kid above: McDonald’s Employee Knocks Out Drunk Man With Just One Punch


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