You can’t really get away with anything discreetly these days, and a man and his mistress learned that the hard way.

A woman was watching a soccer game with her mother at home when the woman spotted her husband at the game…with his mistress. The couple clearly stood out in the crowd because they were one of the few people not wearing any team apparel.
The man, from Harbin, Heilongjiang province, probably didn’t see the chaos about to go down as his wife and mother-in-law rushed to the football stadium after spotting him on television.
The woman and her mother were able to reach the stadium, where they dragged the mistress out by her hair, all while cursing at her, and all while the cheating husband was able to disappear. And that should tell you all you need to know about this guy.

The three women were later seen getting into a taxi, so someone should probably check on that mistress’ well being.
This occurred in China where it’s pretty common for women who date married men to be publicly shamed, while the cheating husband barely gets any consequences. Don’t know if he would currently be alive if that occurred in America.
Via Hong Kong FP.