The Funniest Stand-Up Comedian From Each State (But They Had To Be Born There Or We Excluded Them)

You would think it would be easy to pick out the absolute funniest comedian from each state, but it turns out it’s quite difficult. Especially because a lot of legendary comedians are from the same state.

So before you go getting all upset at the picks on the map below, take a look at our criteria to understand how we came to these selections:

  1. The comedian had to be BORN in the state. Even if it was only for 6 months of their lives. Things got too complicated once we starting looking into where people grew up.
  2. If a number of legendary comedians were all born in the same state, we watched some clips of each comedian doing stand up back to back and brought it to a vote. We wish we could’ve included more than one for some states.
  3. A few very popular comedians weren’t even born in the U.S., so they were out of the running from the get go.
  4. We’re very sorry about Larry the Cable Guy and Carrot Top. We really had no other options.
  5. States with X’s. You seriously need to step up your funny game.

Now that that’s out of the way, we look forward to your spiteful and angry comments. Here is a map of the funniest stand-up comedian from each state.


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