The Most Amusing Troll Quote Memes On The Internet

Trolling, or the act of irritating the hell out of people on the internet, is as fun or infuriating as whichever side of the fence you’re on. While nothing especially new, troll quoting, or the act of attributing a famous line or phrase from a movie/TV show/historical figure/pop culture icon to an incorrect movie/TV show/historical figure/pop culture icon, is as funny now as it was when the original meme hit Reddit back in 2010 (pictured first below). Since then, a slew more have been created, becoming more irreverent as they’ve gone. We scouted some of the best we could find and put them all here in one handy gallery for your viewing pleasure.

That’s it, we’re never quoting a famous line correctly again. Not by choice, mind you; we simply can’t remember who said what or even what said person looked like anymore. And yet again, the internet has set out — and succeeded — in ruining another thing we all love. But then, most people can hardly quote lines correctly even before something like these memes have screwed with their heads, so we suppose it’s all for the best.

Also: Guy Trolls Wrong Number Texts With An Abundance Of ‘Westworld’ Quotes


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