Brazilian Cyclist Hit by Mattress That Ultimately Saves His Life

Now that’s what we call a smooth landing. Sure, he probably didn’t want to be knocked off of his bike in the first place, but that doesn’t make the situation any less incredible.

Mirror Online, as well as several other news outlets, have reported that a Brazilian man was struck by a truck in the southwest town of Foz do Iguaçu while riding down a busy road, only to have a mattress fall off the same truck and break his fall. Video of the incident can be sen below:

Another video has also surfaced which not only slows the action down, but also zooms in on it. While no less miraculous, it appears that the cyclist was never, in fact, hit by the truck at all, but rather the mattress itself.

While there is little more to go on so far, it appears that the cyclist escaped his bout with death with only minor injuries.

Speaking of practically French-kissing death: Young Boy Run Over By Car is Amazingly Unharmed and May Be a Superhero


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