After last week’s episode titled “You Are My Sunshine,” it’s clear that any number of things can go down on the “Sons of Anarchy” season 6 finale, both dark and sunny. And as much as we’d like for it to play out smoothly for Jackie Boy and the club, this one might have a few rough endings. Check out these intrepid finale predictions and see if you can come up with anything better.
1. Tara will make Jax choose between the club and his kids.
The whole season has focused on Tara losing control, waiting to go to jail or meet her end at Jax’s hand, but now she is finally in a position of power but doesn’t realize it. Although the sheriffs are looking for her, she could present the bullet as a bargaining chip to Jax and deliver an ultimatum: Let me leave with our boys and keep your club, or lose it all and go to jail for a very long time. Jax will take the bait, but it’ll probably end badly for Tara, even though she’s the one person Jax likely cannot kill.

2. The finale intro and outro montages will be way too long; Katey Sagal will sing.
Like 80 percent of the episodes, there will be a five-minute clip opening or closing the show that features people sitting, acting nothing like they normally do and playing with those freaking kids nobody cares about. Expect a potentially super long intro and outro since the episode will likely be two hours. And definitely expect Kurt Sutter to plug his wife’s music as well, most likely the ending.
3. Juice will go out on a high note.
After building him up as a softy who is likely to fold and has lost all the other members’ respect, there’s nothing left Juicy Boy can do to redeem himself except take one for the team. He wants out and the club will allow it, but it will be done with class, as he is one of the longstanding members who has been through the most shit and screwed up so many times. Expect the ultimate sacrifice from Juice — or Jax could put all the blame on him and have Nero get even putting him down.
4. Along with Juice, another club member will meet his end.
So many people have died this season alone that it’s tough to pin up anothe

r one, so it might be one of the peripheral characters biting the dust. But that’s not good enough. I predict it will be Tig, since we made peace with him leaving and then he got off the hook. Also, he acted very strangely last week when the blood got sprayed on him and he looked at his reflection. Oh, and the actor who plays Tig, Kim Coates, has even said he is ready to move on. As long as it’s not Chibs, it’ll be digestible.
5. The word “brother” will be said 22 times, and “Jesus Christ” 14 times.
Every episode has both, so you do the math. No matter how much betrayal, the word “brother” will be spoken, and no matter how many bad things happen, they all end in an emphatic “Jesus Christ.”
6. Nero cuts ties with SAMCRO and Gemma to run his crew.
After learning what happens to Gemma’s husbands, seeing what Jax has done, and receiving Tara’s intense warning, I believe Nero will be smart enough to walk…and take his cardigans with him. I’d like to say he can walk away and we won’t see him ag

ain, but nobody leaves this show without dying. Chances are that he and Jax will go head-to-head if the Mexicans are up against SAMCRO. If he does walk, Jax’s plans for a clean future with escorts folds and leaves him with no source of cash flow for the club, making the move out of guns nearly impossible.
7. Barosky will turn up to shit on Jax.
If Nero walks away, this will screw with Barosky’s world, and he has an ace up his sleeve with the pedophile murder pinned on Jax. Something tells me that woman wasn’t disposed of the way he says, and knowing that D.A. Patterson has his head slightly underwater, he might do what he needs to keep himself comfortable.
8. Sheriff Roosevelt will run Patterson off.
Roosevelt played the hard-ass in town the last two years and suddenly has been playing puppy dog to this new split personality gangster mama, Patterson, but after questioning her methods all season, he’ll finally put her in her place and she’ll leave town. It’ll most likely be something that saves the club, too, as he understands the necessary evil of keeping them around.
9. Unser will die for Gemma.

Bobby put it best this season when he said, “You’re still alive?” Unser has nothing to hang onto besides Gemma, and considering her and Nero’s likely end-of-season turmoil, he’ll step up to the plate to the defend the only thing worth dying for, besides smoking countless joints in his trailer.
10. Connor Malone will throw a wrench into Jax’s get-out-of-guns plan.
This might be the point where Jax realizes, just like his father, the club is either out of guns and dead, or in with guns and running the show. Getting out completely could be what ironically kills the club, as opposed to continuing to struggle staying alive while running guns. If he chooses his club over his kids, the club will slide back into dirty earning and will eventually meet its end anyway.
Bonus: Wendy will get her shot at mothering the boys, then Jax kills her.
You know it’ll never work, but we like to think she’ll get a few moments to tell Abel that she is his mother, just before Jax puts a bullet in the dirty junkie’s head. Definitely thought she was going to take out Tara and run with the boys when she had the chance but Tara gave her the ol’ cold cock pistol whip instead. If Wendy, Tara, Unser, Clay and Nero all leave Gemma at the end of the season, Gemma is going to be one lonely grandma, especially if papa Jax ends up in jail again.