Last week, before the airing of the “Breaking Bad” episode “Confessions,” the Mandatory staff took a crack at predicting the upcoming events of the remaining episodes of the final season. Then, Walt went and blew our minds by doing something none of us saw coming, making a phony confession video incriminating Hank. While that didn’t necessarily ruin any of our predictions, we decided to give ourselves a chance to amend our guesswork or make up a new forecast of what’s to come. Here’s what we think:

It’s a Wig – Andrew Harding
Everyone seems to be puzzled about the flash-forwards, so my prediction is that it’s all explained by a wig. Walt told Hank he has half a year to live in the present, but we know at some point in the future he’s gallivanting around with a full head of hair. I think he’s still going to die soon, it’s just part of his latest disguise – and it’s because now he’s going to have to run from Jesse, too. A fake weave + contact lenses = the new sunglasses + Heisenberg hat.
Skyler Gets Fired (and some other stuff happens) – Rob Fee
Since last week’s episode ended with Jesse about to torch Walt’s house, and we know from the flash forward that Walt’s house isn’t burned down, something stops him. I predict Walt Jr. comes home and Jesse gets spooked so he shoots him. Walt comes home, sees this and kills Jesse. Also, Skyler will get fired from the car wash for giving the incorrect change to too many customers.
Walt Kills Jesse, but Jesse Still Takes Down Heisenberg – Cory Dudak
The fact that this week’s upcoming episode is titled “Rabid Dog” seems to allude to Season 4’s “Problem Dog,” a monumental episode for Jesse. Therefore, I assume that this week’s will also be a strong one for the crowd favorite. However, seeing as how last week’s “Confessions” threw a wrench in almost all of our predict

ions (including my own), it’s safe to assume all bets are off. Hank will stop Jesse from burning down Walt’s house, and the two will devise a plan for Jesse to get Walt alone, and force a confession out of him while wearing a wire. Walt, of course, will admit to nothing, and Jesse will contemplate killing Walt anyway. Walt will talk Jesse down as usual, only this time, after discovering the wire, he’ll kill him for his betrayal, admitting as Jesse dies that he was responsible for Jane’s death, as well (hubris being the only way I see this secret coming out). In the end, though, Jesse will be the victor, as he also secretly placed a bug in the elusive Heisenberg’s hat, which will come back to bite Walt once he thinks he’s beaten everyone in the final minutes of the finale.
Jesse Works With Hank to Take Down Walt and Todd – Matt Branham
I think Jesse will be ready to strike the match when Walt Jr. comes home or out of his room, forcing Jesse to rethink lighting the place up, which will then lead to Jesse going to Hank saying he wants to get Walt. Oblivious, Walt Jr. will ask his dad what’s going on, and Walt will finally have to tell him the truth, which will then lead to his son doing meth with his pal Lewis out of anger. Todd and his crew will catch wind that Jesse is after Walt, who they realize they need for their operation when Todd can’t quit screwing it up, and that will cause a big conflict between Todd and Jesse. It could be the beginning of the end for Jesse, but no, because Jesse will give up Todd to Hank or kill him.

At the end of the most recent cold open where Todd regales his neo-Nazi relatives with tales of train heists, we see Uncle Jack wipe blood off his boot. While most people just assumed that was from the cartel massacre, I think it’s from after the massacre … when Todd and family killed off Lydia. She had given them everything they needed by then, so they decided to off the skittish drug kingpinness in order to eliminate her stake in the profits.
Hank Discovers His Missing Link: Todd – Gary Dudak
With Walt’s phony confession tape, it appears that Hank is pretty much screwed. But maybe not. There is a reason the cold open of last week’s episode featured Todd discussing the train heist so openly with his family. I think he is very close to slipping up and letting some information out that links him to Heisenberg. I don’t know how, but Hank will find it (perhaps Jesse will help), and then he’ll have the missing piece he needs to connect Walk to all of his heinous crimes (the prison murders, covering up the murder of Drew Sharp, the continuous meth cooking, etc.).
Holly Is Kidnapped –

Max Miller
There has been so much emphasis on the White kids being taken from their parents lately. It could all be foreshadowing this one event that will really set both Walt and Skyler off. Skyler seems to be going through the same zombie phase that Jesse went through and she just needs that one thing to really make her snap. A baby kidnapping would do the trick. Maybe it’s Marie who finally takes her. Maybe it’s Jesse who doesn’t want another innocent child anywhere near Walt. Maybe’s it’s Todd’s crew to finally get Heisenberg’s attention (remember Todd leaving Walt messages? How many of those has he left?). Whoever does it, the White’s kids are pretty much the only factors at this point that could make either parent go on a total rampage.

Walter Jr. Stops Jesse’s Arson – Cory Jones
The teaser for this week’s episode makes it look like Walter comes out of the bedroom while Jesse is pouring gas all over the house. While there’s a lot of speculation that this is when Walter offs Jesse, my prediction is that Walt pulls the gun on him, they argue and then as soon as it’s about to come to a head, Walter Jr. waltzes in and wonders if it’s too late to have breakfast. And why it smells like gas. “Does it smell like gas because you’re cooking breakfast on the gas grill?” he’ll ask. “Louis has a real nice gas grill, dad. Is your friend with the gas can staying for breakfast, too?” Then everyone will get nervous and quiet and Jesse will run out, pushing his final showdown with Walt to a later date. Then Walt will start making breakfast.
Second Prediction: The Garduno’s waiter goes on a murderous rampage, killing Walt, Skyler, Marie, Hank and, for good measure, Holly, due to the rather cold reception he got after he offered up some delicious tableside guacamole.