CEX is Selling the PS4 Slim Before It’s Even Been Announced

We all know that CEX is the high street equivalent of Del Boy’s market stall, with the retail chain routinely showing no discretion when it comes to selling any electronical goods it can get its hands on. However, the company has excelled itself with its recent flogging of PS4 Slim consoles, a new system that hasn’t even been officially announced by Sony yet.

The existence of the PS4 Slim has been Sony’s worst kept secret, after units of the console began to appear on eBay and Gumtree in the UK. With many believing that these early models were stolen from Sony ahead of their predicted unveiling during the company’s PlayStation Meeting on September 7th, it’s questionable that CEX are running the risk of raising the ire of the Japanese tech giant by selling them in-store. Yet that’s what VideoGamer.com is reporting, with the site posting a photo of a CEX’s Widnes branch stocking the console.

Image Credit: @AlextheBird93 / @RossGHolman / VideoGamer

The CEX website is also buying and selling the new console, with it selling the PS4 Slim for £380 and offering £304 to those who wish to part ways with their new, suspiciously obtained system:

Sony has yet to release an official statement on the PS4 Slim, but it’s safe to assume that the company won’t be best pleased about a prominent retail chain selling the console before its release. For those who want to get their hands on it, it’s advised that you want until its official release – considering that it’s likely going to be a cheaper alternative to the current PS4, it’ll presumably cost you a lot less than £360 when it officially hits retail.


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