Cadillac Of Human Beings Create Sydney PokéDirectory For Pokémon GO

The word ‘hero’ is thrown around a lot these days, but we think you’ll struggle to find a truer definition than Jordan Alvarez. The Sydney local has put in some solid leg work for us all in order to create what is effectively a UBD of Pokémon locations on Pokémon GO

The list has been put together in a Google Doc – both intuitive and easily shared, the first indicator that Alvarez is a top dude – and goes into some pretty specific detail including specific Sydney buildings you need to stand near in certain areas. Complete with Pokémon types, sub-types and ‘egg & candy info’ – it’s a wet dream for anyone with a formatting fetish. 

It was always going to happen, a savior born from the fires of constant Doduos, Zubats, or Weedles. Now, the rest of us can save precious time used for things other than Pokémon Go (LOL!) and head straight to the good stuff – like Blastoise near Seven Hills Pizza Hut or if you will, Arcanine near Town Hall. 

Psyduck, Poliwag, and Horsea, on the other hand, well, you’ll have to be pretty damn lucky not to find them.


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