Conspiracy Theorist and former journalist David Icke met his match this morning on the Today Show with our very own Leese and Karlos managing to rip apart the dude’s controversial theories using a simple series of one-word questions that seemed to shatter Icke’s argument.
Icke is currently in town peddling tin foil-isms such as the idea of reptilian overlords, and also his thoughts on the moon actually being a hallowed out planet-cum-space station that was actually transported here Millenia ago, right in front of multiple ancient civilizations.
Upon hearing such a thing, Lisa Wilkinson asked the pretty goddamn sane question of “Yeah, but, like, how?” And, so, Icke’s downfall begins.
Angrily throwing the question back at Wilkinson as though she’d just offended his mother, AND MANSPLAINING LISA’S QUESTION BACK TO HER, Icke proceeds to offer a bunch of “errs”, “ums” and “uhhs” before he finally lands it:”Oh Boy”, he must have thought. “I’ve got her now”…
“You don’t even KNOW my theories. You’ve been briefed by a researcher this morning.”
To which Lisa responds, “I’m trying to understand for our audience…”
At this stage, proven unable to explain one of the main pillars of his identity, a gentle breeze could blow Icke off his seat. Clearly coaxed by a producer, Lisa holds back her next question as Karlos comes in with a lifebuoy for Icke…
“Are the aliens amongst us?” he asks, because somehow that’s more of a valid question than asking how a hollowed out spaceship can be relocated throughout the galaxy.
He receives a firm and confident “Yes” from Icke, then it becomes all too clear. Karlos isn’t throwing him a lifebuoy at all, Karlos is going in for the kill. Git ’em, Karlos.
Things failed to pick up from there and Icke was soon on his way. Wilkinson confirmed later that “he walked out of here not a happy camper…”
“I said, ‘David, you’ll sell a lot of tickets off that,’ and he… well, I won’t repeat what he said.”
But it was sports reporter and occasional moral compass Tim Gilbert who really nailed what we were thinking: “He was one of the biggest knobs I’ve ever seen on TV.”
Bless you, Today Show team. Bless you all.
Icke shows no signs of learning any sort of lesson, or any indication of further plans to STFU and will continue headstrong with his strong-selling Australian tour.
…Which we need to talk about, guys.