Ben Simmons Foot Locker Ad Satires Nick Young-Iggy Azalea Scandal

Props to the advertising geniuses behind the latest Foot Locker ad. A little creativity and some lampooning makes their latest campaign the funniest joke this side of Stephen A. Smith’s NBA Finals predictions.

Soon to be No. 1 overall pick, Ben Simmons, walks into a room full of last season’s rookies: Karl-Anthony Towns, Devin Booker and D’Angelo Russell.

The sophomores give the upcoming rookie some sough-after advice. However, the most important wisdom comes from Russell …

Of course, Russell was the one who recorded teammate Nick Young on his phone admitting to an affair while in a relationship with rapper Iggy Azalea. It was a huge scandal that helped tank the Lakers even more than expected. AND, Iggy and Young recently called off their marriage.

Kudos to Russell for having the guts and the humbleness to take on the spot. 

And Ben, work hard, listen to the veterans and don’t record your teammates on your phone and upload it to social media, the cloud, air drop … ANYTHING …. and you’ll be just fine!

Josh Helmuth is the editor of Crave Sports. Follow him on Twitter or like the channel on Facebook here

Photo: Getty


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