5 Movies Out Now On Blu Ray That Look Way Better On A Next Gen TV

The world of next generation televisions and ultra high definition is here kids, with the new Samsung SUHD Curved Screen TV set proving that fact. But what’s the point of buying one of these new-fangled TV sets if you’re just going to watch the same old movies on it?

Exactly! If it’s a next generation television you’ve got, it’s a next generation movie you need, and lucky enough for you we’ve done all the heavy lifting by putting together this list of 5 Movies Out Now On Blu-Ray That Look Way Better On A Next Gen TV… brought to you by Samsung’s, the world’s no.1 selling TV brand for 10 years.


The highest grossing R-Rated movie of all time, Deadpool has a lot going for it. A lot of violence and dirty humor that is. Ryan Reynolds kills it as Wade Wilson, the titular hero, and the script gives him oh so many opportunities to flex his comedic muscles. But what really sets this film apart from its comic book brethren is the action. Or should I say the film’s embrace of it, blood and all. Where so many other comic book movies turn the action into cartoonish buffoonery, Deadpool lets you see it warts and all. Besides, every other part of the movie is cartoonish AF, so they needed to find levity somewhere.

Deadpool is out now on digital, Blu-Ray and DVD.


The first Disney Animation Studios film to be made since Pixar’s John Lasseter took control of the studio, Zootopia comfortably straddles the gap between the two studios. Essentially a warm-hearted family film, its themes of race and prejudice in society nevertheless elevate it above the standard Disney storyline of “hero saves the day” or “princess marries prince charming”. But as far as your next-gen TV goes, it’s the animation and the rich and varied world of Zootopia that it creates, that is worth talking about, although writing about it would do no justice.

Zootopia is out now on digital, Blu Ray and DVD.


Author R.L. Stine’s seemingly endless Goosebumps series of horror stories for kids left an indelible mark on the childhoods of many who grew up in the 90s. So it should come as no surprise, then, that Hollywood in its infinite wisdom has chosen to turn them into a movie. That’s right a movie, one single movie, with a ridiculous plot about Stine himself (played by Jack Black) having to get the monsters from his books back in his books, or something equally stupid. Suffice to say if you are watching this movie for the plot, you are doing it wrong as it’s all about the monsters. Remember too, this is a kids movie, so don’t expect to be scared, if anything expect to laugh.

Goosebumps is out now on digital, Blu-Ray and DVD.

The Hateful Eight

Quentin Tarantino finally turns his hand back to a small character driven story in The Hateful Eight, the icy western murder mystery marking the first film of his since Jackie Brown not to rely on gratuitous violence to keep the audience interesting. While hardly the most visually dynamic movie to come out in recent years, it’s surely one of the most richly detailed, Tarantino going overtime on the set and props design to make it authentic to its 18th-century setting. Kurt Russell even accidentally broke a 300-year-old vintage guitar after Tarantino forgot to tell him he was doing a take with the real thing and not a prop.

The Hateful Eight is out now on digital, Blu-Ray and DVD.

Pride And Prejudice And Zombies

Bombing at the box office, to call this a great movie would be a lie. Hell even calling it a good movie is inaccurate. What it is is an insane movie, in every conceivable way, and that’s what makes it perfect to watch on a next gen tv. I mean who wants to carefully examine an actor’s reactions in ultra high definition? People want to see zombies disemboweled in ultra high definition. And if they manage to cram some literature in there along the way, all the better I say.

Pride And Prejudice And Zombies is out now on digital, Blu-Ray and DVD.


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