The second season of F/X's horror series begins with 'a dense, layered and thoroughly twisted hour of television.'
A good concept can't save Sean Stone's dimly lit, schizophrenic found footage horror film.
The Evil Dead director will produce the new version from a script by Oz: The Great and Powerful's David Lindsay-Abaire.
The star and co-writer of the cult comedy says the follow-up will probably be an homage to Blazing Saddles.
The remake of the Paul Verhoeven classic moves from August 9, 2013 to February 7, 2014.
The sequel to one of the worst films of 2011 is not one of the worst films of 2012.
An MMA movie… starring Kevin James... about music appreciation… named after a P.O.D. song?
'One of the scariest horror movies I’ve seen in a long, long time.'
Find out which of Hollywood's greatest homicidal maniacs were both homicidal and maniacal enough to make our list.
The House of Mouse brings back one of its original, mostly forgotten superheroes to add to its own Marvel Studios…