"For seekers of wretched, glorious camp, Confessions of a Marriage Counselor may be an instant classic."
"The Host lacks the adolescent foolishness that made Twilight even remotely relatable, and it isn’t even bad enough to be…
CraveOnline picks the best 80s and 90s cartoons that deserve a movie of their own.
Jake Abel wonders about alien love (and alien sex) and really wants to return for more "Supernatural."
The next film in the Collection franchise will reveal The Collector's origin, and the script for God of War was…
Hugh Jackman may also reenact scenes from A Streetcar Named Desire if these one-sheets from The Wolverine are any indication.
The director of Olympus Has Fallen is curious about Roland Emmerich's White House Down and open to directing Training Day…
Find out why Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves was the Batman Begins of the 1990s.
There aren't that many Secret Service movies, believe it or not, but these are the best.
Is Sylvester Stallone's follow-up to Saturday Night Fever "the worst sequel ever made," or is it just Travoltin'?