VIDEO: Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx and Maggie Gyllenhaal and director Roland Emmerich talk Obama-isms and more.
"The Die Hard of Die Hard knock-offs."
CraveOnline honors the life and career of director/fight choreographer Lau Kar-leung (1934-2013) with a list of his greatest martial arts…
James Vanderbilt reveals the one thing James Woods refused to do, why he hasn't seen Olympus Has Fallen and how…
VIDEO: Billy Crystal, Nathan Fillion, Charlie Day, director Dan Scanlon and producer Kori Rae talk about monster faces, failure, and…
"Pixar’s best movie in years."
Do you feel betrayed by the ending of Man of Steel? Maybe you shouldn't...
David Goyer explains his changes to Lois Lane, describes the Man of Steel version of Lex Luthor, and talks about…
This is the End isn't the first film where famous people played themselves. Here are our picks for the best…
Jay Baruchel explains why no one makes fun of his movies in This is the End, why he took the…