Writer/director David Guy Levy reveals the origin of his time-traveling Back to the Future comic book homage and spitballs ideas…
Let's count down the nine most anticipated - or at least most coveted - Comic-Con movie news stories we're hoping…
"The Conjuring has the potential to be one of the great 'scary movies,' but horrifying it is not."
"Turbo plays more like a parody of a family movie on 'The Simpsons' than an actual family movie."
God tells Sarah Newlin to bang Jackson Stackhouse, Eric wins the racquetball shootout challenge and Sookie's parents were jerk-asses all…
Wanna see awesome movie panels but don't want to brave the ridiculous lines outside Hall H? CraveOnline has you covered…
"It seemed like such a nice movie. Kept to itself mostly."
Charlie Day talks about playing a mini-Guillermo del Toro and the type of Jaeger he wants to pilot in Pacific…
Talk like an Alien thanks to the magic of our exclusive Spring Breakers Soundboard, featuring tons of quotes from the…
"Pacific Rim may not be a perfect movie but it’s mostly cool as hell."