"A very strange but entertaining time killer."
Director McG says a lot of his previous films have been one-dimensional, unlike 3 Days to Kill.
3 Days to Kill star Amber Heard explains the art and socio-political significance of va-va-voominess.
Kevin Costner dismisses William Bibbiani's 'romantic' interpretation of 3 Days to Kill.
Emily Browning explains why making out with Kit Harington is weird.
The director of Pompeii explains why his disaster epic almost got an R-rating.
The star of Pompeii explains the concept of 'Foes Before Bros' and promises to kill Bibbs quick.
Kit Harington explains the appeal of playing a Flawless Rescue Stud in Pompeii.
RoboCop disappointed at the box office, but why? And is this really the end of the new franchise?
Bibbs and Grae Drake from Rotten Tomatoes reveal the secrets of celebrity interviews and review RoboCop, Winter's Tale, About Last…