Hard cider might not be the first beverage that jumps to mind in 2014 -- but maybe it should be...
Bad situations, bad physiology, bad relationships...bad, bad, bad. Check out our list of why those glorious high school years you…
The coolest workplaces ever probably don't include the one you're slaving away at right now. But let your mind wonder…
Facing off with the dead is bad enough -- but there are a few mean hombres who you definitely wouldn't…
Which parts of which famous people would just make the coolest undead creation ever? We took up the challenge of…
Zombies are SO in...so which celebrity walking dead could be poised for a big bounce back in 2014?
Anybody can get chomped by a radioactive spider...but there are some pretty darn good reasons to slap on tights and…
Rambo...the Terminator...Dirty Harry...oh yeah, they're all here. What list of Hollywood's best badass flicks would be complete without 'em?
No, really, they ACTUALLY happened...we swear. Take a look back with us at some of the craziest, spookiest hauntings that…
If the holiday season has you dreaming of a new laptop, Acer's got a few options for you to think…