Can be used as a bong or alternatively 'would look great on a bookshelf'.
If you thought the show was strange, wait 'til you see this.
This should come as no surprise really though, of course Mother Nature votes Greens.
"The best counter to the kind of radicalisation and marginalisation that we’ve seen in other parts of the world, is…
The Today co-host called on Dutton to apologise while praising the contribution that humanitarian refugees have made to the country.
Fallon cranks up the gimmick machine once again to great success.
Britain's highest selling comedian is heading our way later this year with his show Happy & Glorious.
Describing dealing with Foxtel as "burning sensation left on your ring the morning after" Tasmania's John Hyslop took to Facebook…
"I suggest a friendlier grow medium next time as yes ur farmers appear to be novices."
The Live performance industry is expected to take a major hit.