Giant star + pre-established character + desire to make mountains of money = Mystique movie...right?
Billy Burns has jets to spare -- and stuns an entire stadium with a dazzling display of speed.
If you face constant frustration with a horrible home connection to the internet, you may wanna steer clear of The…
Another monster weekend at the box office lands Marvel Studios in a pretty amazing position.
A new trailer shows the Star-Spangled Avenger could soon open the Disney Infinity universe to a whole messa Marvel.
Spidey's baddest enemies could get their own feature directed by an already entrenched Marvel man.
Get our first longer look at Chris Pratt in action as the hapless Guardians leader.
Sweet! I just got my signing bonus check and it's...ahh, crap...
The youngster exploits a massive glitch in Microsoft security -- then shows the tech giant how he did it.
One of the most beloved kid classics of the 80s may actually be about to get that sequel that everyone…